Member Benefits

Why should your business become a LHBTA member?

The most basic reason for joining is to allow us to have a local business and tourism association … no members = no capacity to do anything for the members and more members = more capacity.

By joining together your contribution of your annual dues allows a capacity (staff time) to actually do things. As well this capacity, along with your monies, allows us to seek grants to do larger initiatives  — most funding is 50/50 so you start by needing your own 50%.

Some of the things we think are of value to the members are:

  • website listing and online exposure of your activities
  • promotion of Lanark area (festivals and fundraisers) via FB, Twitter and the web
  • promotion of members to local citizens via FB, Twitter and web
  • direct link to Council to voice Business concerns  … Council assigns one member to liase with the LHBTA
  • supporting the local economy by supporting other local businesses
  • community projects and activities (i.e. Lanark Highlands Frosty Fling sponsorship, Lanark Highlands Relocation Guide)
  • member-to-member discounts