Lanark Highlands history

Short Business Description
Discover the history that’s in your own backyard! Lanark and District Museum features the on-going history of the Lanark Highlands, and former Drummond & Bathurst Townships in Lanark County. The unique museum houses artifacts and changing exhibits from the area’s earliest history to the present. 

Open from Victoria Day weekend to Thanksgiving weekend. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and other time by appointment or chance. Admission rates are $4 for adults, $5 per couple or family, $2 for seniors and youth under 12 are free.
Business Website Address
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Business Address
Street address is 80 George St., Lanark Village. (mailing address is PO Box 20, Lanark, ON K0G 1K0)
K0G 1K0